Privacy Policy

Policy Governing your Right to Privacy


While providing your email Id on the website, you agree for us to communicate with you using that ID, however, to the contrary, you can always opt to unsubscribe from the emails that you get from us by choosing the “unsubscribe “button in those emails.

Password privacy

You yourself shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and the password associated with that on our website. We shall in all circumstance reserve the right to refuse you service, terminate your account on the website at our discretion.


We at “ “respect the privacy of every user who interacts with us in any form. This statement outlines the information that we shall be collecting and its use thereafter. Please follow the guidelines if you don’t want your personal data to be lost while using the website or interacting with the offers and advertisements thereon. We reserve the right to amend the policy at our sole discretion without providing any further notice and your acceptance shall be implicit in your continuance of the usage of the website.

All customer contact details, names, address, emails and phone numbers are secured in our database. We do not sell or disclose the information to any other entity. However, we do not store or save the Credit card details used to make the payment on our portal.

We shall never try to collect your personally identifiable information including name, address, contact details unless you provide it voluntarily.

 Your information shall only be used in the following way unless stated alternatively:

For our own organisation’s internal use, we might store and process the information to better understand your needs and offer you the customised services.

  • We might make use of the details to contact you in certain situations
  • In no circumstances the information shall be sold to outside organisation entities for marketing or any other use.

We have no intention whatsoever of collecting any personally identifiable information from individuals under eighteen years of age through this website and related interactions

If an underage, under 18 years of age as defined has provided identifiable information to us then the parents or the legal guardian is supposed to email us or contact us and request for such information to be deleted from our records.

Third-party entities including Google, or any platform provider may show Himalayan Panacea advertisement on sites on the Internet.

Third-party entities, including Google or any platform, provide use cookies to serve ads based on your prior visits called Re-marketing

You may opt-out of Google’s use of cookies by visiting the Google advertising opt-out page.

We make use of cookies to make navigation on our website and the use of our services more user-friendly. If you do not intend to have cookies used, we request that you change your browser settings before accessing our website although by doing so some features of our website may not function properly.

Our website contains many links to other websites. Please bear in mind that when you click on those links, you are redirected to another website for which we have no responsibility whatsoever, we thus encourage you to read the privacy statements on all such sites as their policies might not align with our terms of the privacy policy. On the other hand, when you might have entered this website from third-party websites, we do not share the responsibility for such third-party websites and it’s recommended that you read the term and policies of that website.

Depending on the need of the business we may time to time hire contractors for the various services, but they shall be prohibited from making use of the information supplied by you except for the business needs for which they have been contracted.

Overseas or Cross Border disclosures of the information

Some of our contractors or partners may use some overseas services and consequently your personal information might get disclosed to the foreign country Like in instances we make use of the overseas hosted servers to store the data about you like emails, and personal information etc. While under the law of privacy we are to make sure reasonable measures are taken to protect the data but this obligation does not come into force if you agree to the disclosure of the information to an overseas recipient. Under this statement herewith you consent to such disclosure by supplying information to us and agree that this obligation does not apply. For further clarification, you can contact us.

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